What is in charge of your energy flow?
Your high points? Low points? Triggers? Glimmers? The sun? Moon? Coffee? Wheeeeeee! The energy is one wild roller coaster ride right now. And, if we let those things listed above be in charge of our energy flow, it is going to feel like being a ball in a pin-ball game. Instead, we need to find our still point. Our still point is found within. It is in our center. Our essence. Our connection. It is from this still point that we have space to create and to process. It is from this still point that we have a solid foundation to move from. Finding our still point does not require that things around us are peaceful. It does not require that others are calm. The peace and the calm come from inside of us. It is very much like riding a surfboard. The surfer has inner balance which translates to balance on the board which translates to riding the wave. The waves are gonna do what waves are gonna do. Are you going to let them crash over you or are you going to learn to ride them? That’s the big question of the current energy … which is going to continue well into 2025 … so we might as well start practicing now. Learn to find your inner self and inner stillness. Whether it be through breathing exercises, running, yoga, meditation, journaling, spending time in nature, creating music, or whatever works for you. It is helpful to have a buffet of options that fit the situation and to find some things that you can do in less than a minute. You won’t always have time to take a long bubble bath or go for a hike. Here’s the beauty of learning to find stillness within: you always have it with you and you take it wherever you go. So, it is always accessible. And, the peace and calm that you resonate out, can help create some peace and calm around you.
Therapist: what’s the best thing you can imagine if you try this new, exciting thing in your life
Me: I don’t die Therapist: … Look, I can go from zero to worst case scenario in nothing flat. But it isn’t often helpful. It lowers my energy, moves me into depression and/or anxiety, can bring on unfocused anger and rage, and can leave me feeling hopeless and helpless. I love the feelings of high energy, gratitude, and joy. I bet you do too. But our woundings in this life and the unhealed areas from past lives create a collective trauma lens that is readily triggered by anti-something and doomsday thoughts. But, if we choose our response, we will also find the opportunity to finally let go of some of this stuff and heal. A positive approach to life does not prevent bad things from happening to us. That might be a bit controversial in some circles where the belief is that if you just think enough positive thoughts, you’ll be rich, thin, and living a life of ease. But the evidence around us doesn’t support that. We often see bad things happen to ‘good people’ and good things happen to ‘bad people’. However. When our energy is higher, more positive, and more grateful, we think better (tl;dr we move out of our amygdala ‘reptile brain’ and into our pre-frontal cortex ‘thinking brain’). When we think better, we come up with better solutions. And that’s what our world needs - new and better solutions. The more we pay attention to what is happening in our body, the more we will notice these messages and shift our responses. If we’re listening to someone and notice that we feel agitated, dread, helpless, or hopeless, it may be that we’re hearing one of the rage against the world or doomsday messages. These spread because they sell. They rile us up without moving us towards group solutions. They keep us stuck. They keep us stuck. Our systems truly do need change. We are being invited to take become unstuck. To step into our individual and collective power, to let our voice emerge, and to view things through our heart instead of that doomsday lens in our mind. These are part of our healing and the energetic shifts of these times. ______ Here's a recent video on YouTube - part 2 of 3 pivot points/invitations that are showing up now. Energy pathways are opening and expanding.
Some of these openings are rooted in what we’ve intentionally released and let go of. Others are rooted in what we’ve lost or, perhaps, feel that have been taken from us. Regardless of the path we took to get here, we are right now in the space between what has left and what is not yet. This space in between is a convergence filled with a harmonious frequency which allows us to pull things together and make things happen. It could be around relationships, new ideas, healing, creating, building, anything. However, we do need to stay in the middle of this convergence as the edges of the frequency have some yin/yang differences, just like any spectrum or range. At one end, we can get caught in the weeds trying to plan every detail before we get started. If this is your style, you need to know that it ain’t gonna happen. We’re learning as we go. We’re building the bridge as we walk across it. We’re hiking without a map. Pick a metaphor but they’re all the same. We need to trust the process and trust our gut. At the other end, we can run from shiny object to shiny object and never get started, or be so overwhelmed that we sit on the couch and distractify. If this is your style, you need to know that we might get some kicks in the seat of the pants to get started. It may feel like the chair gets pulled out from under us. We’re gonna have to jump into the pool and start swimming. Again, pick a metaphor but they’re all the same. Time to get started. Once we get started, we will find that ideas, resources, and connections will come to us. We’ll find intuitive ways to create. And while our work will need discipline and diligence, it will also be a fun work. Work that we find of value. The work of our purpose. ______ Here's a recent video on YouTube - part 1 of 3 pivot points/invitations that are showing up now. Pschew! A bit of roller coaster energy right now. But importantly, underneath that, are opportunities for us to recognize, and release or move out of, old patterns that are no longer needed or no longer help us.
Practically, what does this look like? You know that person that pushes your button? Or certain types of people who push your button? What about the activity or substance that you use to calm yourself in certain situations? How about the friend that you always reach out to first to initiate a get-together? These are all patterns. Patterns are neither good nor bad, right nor wrong. They are simply patterns. Patterns only become problems when we become stuck, outgrow them, or they take us down paths that we’d like to change. On the ‘fun’ side of the current energy, we will get the chance to break out of some of these old patterns. On the less ‘fun’ side, we will get opportunities to actually see our old patterns. And, if you’re at all like me, sometimes I’m fairly appalled when I recognize my patterns which can even lead me into judgment and shame. Ugh! ‘Why do I still do that?’ ‘Why do I still let this happen?’ ‘Why haven’t I outgrown this?’ However, I’m a very different person than I was when I started those patterns. Those patterns may have kept me safe or were truly the best choice at that time in my life. Judging and shaming my younger self isn’t helpful. Acknowledging that I can choose new patterns is. As is recognizing that a future self may look back on my current patterns with a bit of raised eyebrows … Feeling off-balance, like the ground is slippery and unstable?
We’re trying to hold onto the crumbling foundations of old beliefs while stepping into new beginnings. It just doesn’t work. When we’re straddling between worlds like this, everything is off balance. The energy of a whole series of retrograde planets is asking us to look at the shadow side of communication, power, trauma, and relationships. We’re being asked to look beyond the quick fix. To pull back the curtain of illusions and get to the root of the matter. On the flip side of what can feel very heavy, is the opportunity for clarity, stepping into our inner power, allowing our voice to further emerge, and deep clearing and healing. Stop trying to live between worlds. This is really a time to find your North Star - your values and truth. The hard part, for many of us, is that these may look wildly different than what we were brought up to believe. The layers of programming that we’ve each taken in is staggering. While there has been very targeted marketing and spin in every system, most of what we grew up with wasn’t intentional. Instead, most was ‘that’s just the way we’ve always done it’ and ‘the good people’ sorts of stories and messaging. Going deep into these layers isn’t comfortable because, at some point, we took those messages as ‘truth’ and let them become intertwined into our identity. Recognizing they are simply one perspective, and a perspective we don’t agree with, is step one. But we can’t stop there or we’ll live in the in-between space with shaky foundations. It is like ripping out weeds. We have to pull these things out by the roots and then plant something else into the soil of our heart. ____ Check out this YouTube video on Three Themes for another way of looking at the current energy. This intuitive message uses cards and runes for the message structure. You are looking for authenticity. Authenticity of and for yourself. Authenticity in your connections. Authenticity in your beliefs and stories.
Authenticity does not mean that everyone will see, meet, or be ok with the real you. You may not even be ok with the real you. This is your journey. Your journey to yourself. Interconnection includes interconnection within yourself. Just like the ocean is contained within the drop, so the universe is contained within you. The interconnection of the cosmos is woven within you. Love yourself. Love the you that you find on this journey. The one who seems different. The one who doesn’t fit in. The one who your heart is always leading you to. You are ready. This journey inward to your heart, your emotions, and your belief is about remembering. Remembering the authentic blueprint that is in your soul. Let love in. Especially that love that you push away because you feel unlovable. Let yourself be loved. You are love in motion. Your foundations that you thought were quite solid are breaking apart as you release old beliefs. It does not mean you are doing anything wrong. In fact, it means that you are doing things right if you are able to trust enough to allow these old beliefs to release.
But you feel off balance because releasing means that space is opening up in your life. Which means you get the chance to work on you. And many times, you would prefer to not work on you. So, to bypass your own work, you may take on responsibilities that aren’t yours to carry. Many of you also have wounds that encourage you to stabilize yourself through these responsibilities. When you came here, you remembered your connection to source. Most were well-cared for providers. Many felt safe and secure. But in this human life, wounding is common. As you grew, your understanding of your connection to source faded. You were encouraged or required to become responsible for things and people around you - keeping the peace, making others ‘happy’, filling an emotional need for others. None of these which you were actually responsible for. And yet, every time something did not go well, someone was not happy, you took this on as if you had failed a responsibility. Your first responsibility is to be you; to be the you who your soul came here to be. And if that involves a big FU to the world, then so be it. The world will not come crashing down if you become you. Your relationships will probably not come crashing down if you do it. And if they do, they were not founded on you being you; they were founded on you being the puzzle piece that completed another while you remained uncompleted. It is not egoic to be who you came here to be. It is egoic to not be who you came here to be. If you feel far from you, far from your purpose, know that you are allowed to rebirth. Do you feel stuck? Perhaps nothing you’re trying is moving or, if it is, it feels like it is taking everything you have to move 6 inches. And it is not just one area of life - it is all the parts, all the time.
And yet inside, you have so many ideas. So many hopes and dreams. So many things wanting to move forward. So much internal pressure to Just. Do. Something. Inside, we're hurtling towards change. Outside, we're stuck in traffic gridlock with miles of orange barrels on either side of us and a broken-down car somewhere ahead of that has stalled forward movement. The yin/yang of it all is fostering anxiety and dissonance. In us and in those around us. So, what are we to do? Well, we can wait it out. Practice mindfulness. Breathe. We know all traffic jams eventually come to an end. Yeah right. I’m not feeling that either! There’s too much ‘wound up’ inside me. Instead, it feels like a better time to find the flow and go with that. Wherever it is. Perhaps for you, it is getting off the beaten path of life and take the scenic route. Visiting a park might not get you any closer to your destination but neither will sitting at a standstill in traffic. And you’ll probably feel significantly better. Perhaps for you, it is doing some tasks in your home. Organize that messy cupboard that frustrates you every time you need to look for something. Paint that wall a new color. Deal with whatever is on your ‘to-do’ list. Again, it might not get you any closer to your destination but when things start moving again, you’ll be ready. There’s two interesting aspects to this. A few months ago, we were in the opposite space. Internally things were stuck for many of us but externally, things were flowing for some individuals. Those experiencing ‘flow’ had done some of this same sort of pre-work. They’d gotten organized, rested, and set things up so that they were ready when things started flowing. Secondly, in feeling into the Energy Overview for 2023, this ‘stuck period’ showed up but starting more in the September/October time frame. While perhaps this means we will have a longer ‘stuck’ period, it actually feels like things are speeding up and we may move through this more quickly as well. I once worked with someone who believed that every obstacle would give way if you just kept bashing at it long enough and hard enough. I found that just leads to a lot of head bashing and emotional bruises. When we get right up close to an obstacle, it appears like a solid wall in front of us. But if we step back far enough, and look around, we will find there’s flow happening someplace that will take us around or through or to our next step. It is ok to step back. It is not quitting or failing to step back. Sometimes, stepping back is literally the first step to moving forward. Be gentle with yourself. Be gentle with others. There’s a lotta angst in the system and at the system. We came here for some reason.
For each of us, our soul, came to this earth, at this time, to experience life through the physicality of our human body. What is your why? We all have threads and themes that help to define our why. But, for most of us, we’ve lost sight of them over the course of our life. How can we lose sight of the threads and themes of why we came here? It happens because of the conditioning around our life experiences. Perhaps you were consistently praised for being smart. You were rewarded for good grades. You were encouraged and supported to go to college and excel in certain programs. You also loved taking pictures. You had an innate sense of how to get the best photograph. The perspectives you brought out were unique. You were encouraged in your hobby, but it was clear it should remain a ‘hobby’ and not take you away from your ‘real pursuits’. Ten, twenty, thirty years downstream, you are very likely to be in a career related to all that schooling and you are just as likely to not be pursuing your gifts in photography. The influences of our home, schools, churches, families, friends, media, marketing, and news communities all conditioned us to behave in certain ways. These influences became the stories that we internalized and we still hear those sound tracks playing in our mind. We’re being asked to consider new stories for ourselves. Stories that stretch us and open us to new possibilities. Stories that help us explore, and find, those threads and themes that are part of our authentic why. To allow in new stories, we also need to release old ones. It is truly a season to notice and question everything about ourselves and the stories we hold so unconsciously that they feel normal to us. Why do I push myself on a project, staying up late until I’m exhausted, and my eyes won’t stay open? Is it because somewhere I learned that rest must be earned? Where did my feelings about image and appearance come from? Is it because somewhere I learned that body image is connected to the approval of others? This path of questioning could go on for a while but the point is not these specific questions, it is noticing your own questions. Why the heck do you believe that? Where did that story come from? And do you still want it? We start with ourselves. And soon, we will begin to find ourselves asking similar questions about our community, our systems, and our institutions. The current energy flow has us asking a lot of questions. And that is part of our ‘why’ at this time in earth’s history. We came here to help create change. And we’re ready to make some change. You are ready for your next step.
How does that feel in your body? It feels ugh! For some those words feels like a heavy blanket of dread. You are burned out, under water, and feel like you are flailing and failing. You’re thinking that your next step needs to be a nap. That’s perfect actually. If this is you, your next step is to go inward, to your own internal landscape. Your next step focuses on rest and integration, as well as the opening of your heart and connection to joy. Your internal light feels small and flickery. But it is actually quite large - it is just that the flame has been turned down too low. The energy of love is seeking to expand within you. You only need to allow yourself to let love expand in you. To begin to let yourself be loved. And this begins by letting yourself love yourself. It feels exciting! For others, you heard ‘you are ready for your next step’ and you let out a woohoo! You have been preparing. Contemplating. Planning. You have lots of ideas! You are ready to GO! Your work will be external. Your next step is to do the next right thing in front of you. But your light feels like it might explode into a wildfire. Your flame is on high and you need to ground and focus that flame because otherwise you run the risk of burning up the very things you are seeking to create. Also, sometimes you can lose yourself in the busyness of creating. You need to intentionally connect to your heart light and let yourself be filled with that love. The work of doing requires you to keep filling yourself up. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Find the flow Whether you are being called internally or externally, follow the path that opens naturally. If you try to push the river, it isn’t going to go anywhere. We need to learn to find the flow. |