Pschew! A bit of roller coaster energy right now. But importantly, underneath that, are opportunities for us to recognize, and release or move out of, old patterns that are no longer needed or no longer help us.
Practically, what does this look like? You know that person that pushes your button? Or certain types of people who push your button? What about the activity or substance that you use to calm yourself in certain situations? How about the friend that you always reach out to first to initiate a get-together? These are all patterns. Patterns are neither good nor bad, right nor wrong. They are simply patterns. Patterns only become problems when we become stuck, outgrow them, or they take us down paths that we’d like to change. On the ‘fun’ side of the current energy, we will get the chance to break out of some of these old patterns. On the less ‘fun’ side, we will get opportunities to actually see our old patterns. And, if you’re at all like me, sometimes I’m fairly appalled when I recognize my patterns which can even lead me into judgment and shame. Ugh! ‘Why do I still do that?’ ‘Why do I still let this happen?’ ‘Why haven’t I outgrown this?’ However, I’m a very different person than I was when I started those patterns. Those patterns may have kept me safe or were truly the best choice at that time in my life. Judging and shaming my younger self isn’t helpful. Acknowledging that I can choose new patterns is. As is recognizing that a future self may look back on my current patterns with a bit of raised eyebrows …
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