Many are experiencing an interesting conundrum of the heart.
Hearts are opening and our capacity for heart energy is increasing. And yet, sometimes we find a stark contrast between the heart energy we encounter in relationships (all types), and the heart energy we know is possible. This gap that is palpable and dissonant and shows up as someone who is emotionally unavailable, lacks emotional intelligence, or doesn’t show empathy. Let’s be honest. The pandemic did a number on us. Even those who with wide open hearts and great emotional communication went inward a bit. Those of us who were already living with closeted heart energy, often went inward even more. But this chapter in our timeline is bringing growing desire for deeper, heart-based interactions and discussions. Many yearn to share the depths of their heart, what they’re really feeling, and their hopes and dreams. Simultaneously, there’s greater need for reciprocity to create trust. We’re more likely to trust someone who shares their heart and emotions with us. When we share our heart and emotions, they are more likely to trust us with deeper parts of themselves. When it goes well, trust spirals into deeper connection. Many, however, are taking a hard look at the places where it hasn’t gone well: parents, family, or partners who were/are unable to discuss emotions, communicate feelings, and/or express love, caring, and acceptance. In some cases, recognizing this gap has led to rupture of relationships. In addition to our relationship with others, our relationship with ourself is going through this same process. We’re being asked to get more vulnerable with ourself. To feel those pesky emotions. To get to the root of our feelings of shame, abandonment, and unworthiness. To get more honest with our heart. To acknowledge our hopes and dreams. Whether it is relationships with others or relationship with self, this is hard stuff. While there’s lots of resources that we can use on our own, working with others can be helpful. I have been working on some heart stuff and I felt supported working with someone who could guide and facilitate the process because it allowed me to focus on my heart and emotions instead of using my head to navigate the process. In the last 6-9months, I’ve used things like guided release, somatic breathwork, sound healing, human design, and coaching. Experiment and play and see what works best for you. The beauty of the journey is the changes we take with us everywhere we go.
I’ll believe it when I see it.
That’s what we were taught right? It should be tangible. We should be able to measure it, test it, replicate it. But we’re in a different season. This season calls us to flip that statement. I’ll see it when I believe it. This season calls us to believe. To believe our intuition. To believe our truth. To believe in what we are doing. To believe in ourselves. When we believe, we realize we can pull back the veil. When we believe, we find ourselves being a conduit for wisdom. When we believe, we experience greater integration of our body, minds, soul, and spirit. Discernment is essential. Skepticism is healthy. Doubt is the pathway to faith. But certainty and cynicism are erosive to our imagination, intuition, and creativity. Can we give ourselves permission to believe that something else might be possible? First off, it is not you. Right now, it is a couple of weeks of everybody, all of us, all of the time.
Secondly, it is you. Because what is happening around us is also happening within us. We’re in the midst of fast moving, competing and, sometimes, clashing energy flows (new moon, planetary geometry, solar cycles). A bit of teenage testosterone practicing ‘hold my beer’. It also feels particularly edgy and off-sync because we are up close and personal with it. We have a couple of choices about how to navigate this. Stay in the middle of it and plan for wild adventure. So long as we stay on the side of friendly arm-wrestling versus steely power struggles, there’s an energy here that can take us far. If we’re ready to ride the white water, let’s go with the flow. Isolate and numb. Honestly, this is going to look quite good some days as overwhelm will be a real player. We may feel protected in the short run but risk being stuck in the same old energy for the long run. However, if we can move to rest and integrate instead, we can more easily cycle back into the energy when we’re ready. The difference between isolate/numb and rest/integration is our intention and internal work. Isolate and numb is ‘checking out’. Rest/integration is a mindful pause with the goal of getting back in the game. Step back to step forward. Part of the problem is that we are so up-close and personal with this energy. If we can step back from the drama, emotions, and details, we can then step forward with our creative self. Use the bandwidth gained by getting out of the rabbit holes to create something that brings joy, peace, hope, play, or fun into your world. What should you choose? There is no one ‘right’ answer because each of our paths is different. If we listen to our body, it will help guide us to what we need most in this period. Some of us are already carrying a LOT going into this energy and have very little bandwidth for ‘one more thing’. Sometimes, just making it through is more than enough. Honor what you need in this time. And also honor that others will make choices that will be different than yours. We do not need to agree with, give energy to, or otherwise support those choices that are different than what we would choose. Neither, however, do we need to pull in energies of judgment and othering against them. It is easy to be ‘against’ things. It is harder to keep our eyes, energy, intention, and actions moving towards what we are for. And yet, this is what changes the world. What is emerging in you?
What is emerging through you? The energy can feel a bit (or more than a bit) like we’re getting beaten down. Stuff seems to come at us from all angles and the waves feel pretty choppy at times. But then we stop, breathe, and look around, and notice that we’re still here. Despite everything. Maybe a little wobbly, but still here. Still moving forward. And still having impact. And that’s what we need to keep noticing. The waves got choppier but we got better at riding them. We leveled up. And we will continue to level up. Not for ego or recognition but because what we are here for is different than our past. We’re at a ‘higher purpose’ fork in the road where we have the opportunity to unlock more of why our soul came here and to go deeper into our soul’s journey. As our soul’s purpose emerges, we emerge. And, as we emerge, that which we came here to do emerges through us. |