Therapist: what’s the best thing you can imagine if you try this new, exciting thing in your life
Me: I don’t die Therapist: … Look, I can go from zero to worst case scenario in nothing flat. But it isn’t often helpful. It lowers my energy, moves me into depression and/or anxiety, can bring on unfocused anger and rage, and can leave me feeling hopeless and helpless. I love the feelings of high energy, gratitude, and joy. I bet you do too. But our woundings in this life and the unhealed areas from past lives create a collective trauma lens that is readily triggered by anti-something and doomsday thoughts. But, if we choose our response, we will also find the opportunity to finally let go of some of this stuff and heal. A positive approach to life does not prevent bad things from happening to us. That might be a bit controversial in some circles where the belief is that if you just think enough positive thoughts, you’ll be rich, thin, and living a life of ease. But the evidence around us doesn’t support that. We often see bad things happen to ‘good people’ and good things happen to ‘bad people’. However. When our energy is higher, more positive, and more grateful, we think better (tl;dr we move out of our amygdala ‘reptile brain’ and into our pre-frontal cortex ‘thinking brain’). When we think better, we come up with better solutions. And that’s what our world needs - new and better solutions. The more we pay attention to what is happening in our body, the more we will notice these messages and shift our responses. If we’re listening to someone and notice that we feel agitated, dread, helpless, or hopeless, it may be that we’re hearing one of the rage against the world or doomsday messages. These spread because they sell. They rile us up without moving us towards group solutions. They keep us stuck. They keep us stuck. Our systems truly do need change. We are being invited to take become unstuck. To step into our individual and collective power, to let our voice emerge, and to view things through our heart instead of that doomsday lens in our mind. These are part of our healing and the energetic shifts of these times. ______ Here's a recent video on YouTube - part 2 of 3 pivot points/invitations that are showing up now.
Energy pathways are opening and expanding.
Some of these openings are rooted in what we’ve intentionally released and let go of. Others are rooted in what we’ve lost or, perhaps, feel that have been taken from us. Regardless of the path we took to get here, we are right now in the space between what has left and what is not yet. This space in between is a convergence filled with a harmonious frequency which allows us to pull things together and make things happen. It could be around relationships, new ideas, healing, creating, building, anything. However, we do need to stay in the middle of this convergence as the edges of the frequency have some yin/yang differences, just like any spectrum or range. At one end, we can get caught in the weeds trying to plan every detail before we get started. If this is your style, you need to know that it ain’t gonna happen. We’re learning as we go. We’re building the bridge as we walk across it. We’re hiking without a map. Pick a metaphor but they’re all the same. We need to trust the process and trust our gut. At the other end, we can run from shiny object to shiny object and never get started, or be so overwhelmed that we sit on the couch and distractify. If this is your style, you need to know that we might get some kicks in the seat of the pants to get started. It may feel like the chair gets pulled out from under us. We’re gonna have to jump into the pool and start swimming. Again, pick a metaphor but they’re all the same. Time to get started. Once we get started, we will find that ideas, resources, and connections will come to us. We’ll find intuitive ways to create. And while our work will need discipline and diligence, it will also be a fun work. Work that we find of value. The work of our purpose. ______ Here's a recent video on YouTube - part 1 of 3 pivot points/invitations that are showing up now. Pschew! A bit of roller coaster energy right now. But importantly, underneath that, are opportunities for us to recognize, and release or move out of, old patterns that are no longer needed or no longer help us.
Practically, what does this look like? You know that person that pushes your button? Or certain types of people who push your button? What about the activity or substance that you use to calm yourself in certain situations? How about the friend that you always reach out to first to initiate a get-together? These are all patterns. Patterns are neither good nor bad, right nor wrong. They are simply patterns. Patterns only become problems when we become stuck, outgrow them, or they take us down paths that we’d like to change. On the ‘fun’ side of the current energy, we will get the chance to break out of some of these old patterns. On the less ‘fun’ side, we will get opportunities to actually see our old patterns. And, if you’re at all like me, sometimes I’m fairly appalled when I recognize my patterns which can even lead me into judgment and shame. Ugh! ‘Why do I still do that?’ ‘Why do I still let this happen?’ ‘Why haven’t I outgrown this?’ However, I’m a very different person than I was when I started those patterns. Those patterns may have kept me safe or were truly the best choice at that time in my life. Judging and shaming my younger self isn’t helpful. Acknowledging that I can choose new patterns is. As is recognizing that a future self may look back on my current patterns with a bit of raised eyebrows … |