We came here for some reason.
For each of us, our soul, came to this earth, at this time, to experience life through the physicality of our human body. What is your why? We all have threads and themes that help to define our why. But, for most of us, we’ve lost sight of them over the course of our life. How can we lose sight of the threads and themes of why we came here? It happens because of the conditioning around our life experiences. Perhaps you were consistently praised for being smart. You were rewarded for good grades. You were encouraged and supported to go to college and excel in certain programs. You also loved taking pictures. You had an innate sense of how to get the best photograph. The perspectives you brought out were unique. You were encouraged in your hobby, but it was clear it should remain a ‘hobby’ and not take you away from your ‘real pursuits’. Ten, twenty, thirty years downstream, you are very likely to be in a career related to all that schooling and you are just as likely to not be pursuing your gifts in photography. The influences of our home, schools, churches, families, friends, media, marketing, and news communities all conditioned us to behave in certain ways. These influences became the stories that we internalized and we still hear those sound tracks playing in our mind. We’re being asked to consider new stories for ourselves. Stories that stretch us and open us to new possibilities. Stories that help us explore, and find, those threads and themes that are part of our authentic why. To allow in new stories, we also need to release old ones. It is truly a season to notice and question everything about ourselves and the stories we hold so unconsciously that they feel normal to us. Why do I push myself on a project, staying up late until I’m exhausted, and my eyes won’t stay open? Is it because somewhere I learned that rest must be earned? Where did my feelings about image and appearance come from? Is it because somewhere I learned that body image is connected to the approval of others? This path of questioning could go on for a while but the point is not these specific questions, it is noticing your own questions. Why the heck do you believe that? Where did that story come from? And do you still want it? We start with ourselves. And soon, we will begin to find ourselves asking similar questions about our community, our systems, and our institutions. The current energy flow has us asking a lot of questions. And that is part of our ‘why’ at this time in earth’s history. We came here to help create change. And we’re ready to make some change.
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You are ready for your next step.
How does that feel in your body? It feels ugh! For some those words feels like a heavy blanket of dread. You are burned out, under water, and feel like you are flailing and failing. You’re thinking that your next step needs to be a nap. That’s perfect actually. If this is you, your next step is to go inward, to your own internal landscape. Your next step focuses on rest and integration, as well as the opening of your heart and connection to joy. Your internal light feels small and flickery. But it is actually quite large - it is just that the flame has been turned down too low. The energy of love is seeking to expand within you. You only need to allow yourself to let love expand in you. To begin to let yourself be loved. And this begins by letting yourself love yourself. It feels exciting! For others, you heard ‘you are ready for your next step’ and you let out a woohoo! You have been preparing. Contemplating. Planning. You have lots of ideas! You are ready to GO! Your work will be external. Your next step is to do the next right thing in front of you. But your light feels like it might explode into a wildfire. Your flame is on high and you need to ground and focus that flame because otherwise you run the risk of burning up the very things you are seeking to create. Also, sometimes you can lose yourself in the busyness of creating. You need to intentionally connect to your heart light and let yourself be filled with that love. The work of doing requires you to keep filling yourself up. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Find the flow Whether you are being called internally or externally, follow the path that opens naturally. If you try to push the river, it isn’t going to go anywhere. We need to learn to find the flow. |