There’s a lot of shifts and transitions in play right now. Some of us are starting a new path, some are taking a fork in the road, some are leveling up, some are minding the gap as they jump into a new journey. Even those who are hesitant about change are getting bumped out of ruts.
Wherever you are, wherever those around you are, know that we’re all going through changes. Changes take us across a threshold. A threshold is a place where we are not where we were, but we are also not where we want to be. We’re straddling to life chapters; have a foot in two worlds. Thresholds are liminal spaces. Spaces where we undergo change and transformation. Some liken liminal space to the transformation of caterpillars to butterflies. Liminal space is the cocoon stage. A cocoon can feel like a dark night of the soul. Liminal space can be unnerving. We can feel like goo.
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