Those were words that my myofascial release therapist said while she was working to open up a restriction and I was trying to direct my breath and body to push against it as well. But while she was gently coaxing, I was pushing hard and my body was tensing up and fighting against itself.
I feel like this is happening all over in my world. Been talking to people who are trying really hard to ‘make something happen’. Like me, they are pushing hard to get something to start, end, change or release and making it more stuck with every push. Alternately, others are so afraid that something will happen they’re waiting for the other shoe to drop. They describe parts of their life as walking on eggshells. Eggs are expensive right now, but sometimes it is cheaper and healthier just to smash the eggs and walk on through the situation. So we can breathe. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. So our heart can expand. So our shoulders can drop. And we stop fighting ourself. So we can find the flow in our life. There’s a lotta fight energy in the world right now. We gotta stop fighting ourself. We gotta start loving ourself even more. Place your hands on your heart and ask, “honey, what do you need right now?”
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