This week’s energy has depth to it. There’s an invitation to simultaneously look inward and towards the horizon.
The inward look takes us to our soul and our purpose. Who are we? Why are we here? The look to the horizon calls us to action. Where is our path taking us? What is our next right step? This timing, at the end of 2022, is a perfect space to anchor in our intentions for the new year and to plan for the future. 2023 has strong, almost laser focused, transformational energy within it. Our spirit is being called more and more to step into who we came here to be. It is time to let our light be seen in increasing measure. For each of us, how we do this will be different so don’t feel that your path needs to look like someone else’s. Where is it that you are feeling a need to allow your light, love, and purpose to expand? For some who have recently reconnected with their intuitive self, this journey is likely to begin with inward changes and expansion. For those who have been on this path for a while, it is more likely to be external changes and expansion. As we reflect back on our experiences, growth, gifts, and learnings from 2022, what wants to come forward into 2023? Intentions don’t need to be complicated goals or visioning, intentions can be as simple as noticing a desire for more peace or gratitude in our life. What do you want to cultivate in you and in the world around you? This is a time of transformation, i.e. change. Change sometimes feels bumpy. We ride those waves better when the frequency of our energy is high (gratitude, joy, peace) and we are grounded and centered. We are all pieces of all the people we meet and the experiences we have. Some build us up. Some tear us down. Some trap us in drama. How can you increase your connection within the world in ways that also support your light? Look for ways to nurture yourself. Playing your favorite music. Going for a walk in a park. Short rituals with your morning coffee, evening wind-down, or on your drive home. Breathe in the peace of this season. Let it permeate every cell in your body.
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