Is life feeling messy?
we're in a weird, awkward, uncomfortable space as a world. We can tell, and some have known for quite a while, that the old ways of 'being' and 'doing' no longer work and they are crumbling and crashing around us. And yet, we haven't figured out the new ways yet. Those are being created and tested and explored. So we're in what is 'liminal space'. A threshold or a precipice. It feels unstable - and it is. So, no wonder we often unstable ourselves. Ungrounded. Anxious. All the deeply embedded 'isms' coming to the forefront, the hoarding of wealth and power, the disclosure and revealing of malignancy in many systems, the focus on me/my not recognizing we are a we/us. And. There's opportunity to create, to build. To be. Different. In the midst of all this however, it can be easy to go to that anxious, doom scrolling, checked-out place. There's no easy answer because what works is different for everyone. But for me, I look outside - to the clouds, the sun, the stars, the trees, the birds and simply focus on those for a few minutes while I breathe. Or I do something to move my energy. Walk, dance, tai chi. Or, I go inwards. A short meditation or breathing. The internal landscape usually takes me out to the expanse of our universe, the galaxies, and just how big this world is. How you get there is not so important. What is important is to poke your head and heart up through that fog that tries to keep us contracted and small. Let your heart come up and let your love shine out like a lighthouse. Every time we break through the fog, it helps others break through the fog. And, it literally helps break open the fog so that we're all a bit more joyful, a bit more creative, a bit more compassionate, a bit more willing to rest, a bit more willing to do. Big love everyone.
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